Our Mission
The Missions Committee is a made up of a small group of dedicated people. Our Missions ministry provides monetary aide to local causes and global causes who are in need of funds.
The Missions Committee is a made up of a small group of dedicated people. Our Missions ministry provides monetary aide to local causes and global causes who are in need of funds.
Every month, the money collected in the small brown envelopes provided during Sunday Services is donated to a different cause.
September Emphasis: The West Haven Animal Shelter
This donation will be given in memory of Gert Beckwith, who served on the Mission Committee for many years. Her love of cats is well known to those who knew her. The Animal Shelter although closed except by appointment during COVID, is still is attended to by the dedicated staff. Donations are always needed. Barbara Brown, our chair of Missions states: “I have been there with donations of pet food and treats which have to be left outside the door. We will be giving a monetary donation. Our furry friends are so in need as they wait for their "furever" home.” Please either mail in your donations and note check Monthly Mission emphasis: WH Animal Shelter or use the small brown envelopes available at the check in table. Thank you for your kind support.
Every year we have five special collections with specific envelopes provided. These collections include Lent, Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and the Christmas Eve Service. The money from each collection benefits a featured cause.
Next Collection: Christmas Eve Service
The 2020 Christmas Eve collection will benefit Alex's Kitchen.
The mission of Alex's Kitchen is to provide food and fellowship for the body and soul. We open our doors at 11:30 AM each Monday to provide jello, salad, assorted sandwiches, a hot entree and dessert. One week, earlier in the month, we offer a sandwich lunch with chips. Most people will stay and socialize as we provide a place of warmth and hospitality. We feed an average of 52 people per week, but our total can be as high as 75 people. We see many of the same faces each week.